Wednesday, 16 February 2011

For this photograph I wanted to capture something that looked interesting, therefore I stood in a position so that there were numerous buildings and structures in front of me,
 forming an interesting composition. I thought a lot about the different lines from the buildings and structures in my view, as well as the buildings behind me, which can be seen as a reflection on the glass in the foreground of the photograph. 

I like the composition within this photograph, I thought it would look effective to take a photograph like this at night time, showing all of the different lights that are lighting up this area of the city. I also really like how the building is leading from the foreground of the image and curves round a little and goes off into the background. There are a lot of different things going on within this photo but I feel that everything comes together really well and makes the photo look effective. I have also desaturated the photograph to give it more of an impact.

I came across this tunnel which I thought looked effective due to the different sections of plastic and steel frame which it is made of. Instead of standing in the centre of the tunnel, I stood to the left side and tilted the camera a little to the right which gave me a more interesting and effective composition of lines. I really like this photograph and how an optical illusion is created due to the position I was standing. I also think it looks effective because of the shadows forming over the tunnel due to how the sun was shining.

I took this photograph so that the archway within the photograph was offset to the left instead of in the middle as i felt it made for a more interesting composition as i was able to include some trees and leaves within the photograph, giving it an autumn feel. I think that both the foreground and the background of this photograph work very well together and the colours within the photograph are really strong which I like.

I wanted to capture the way the sun shines though different objects as it is going down within this photograph. I stood in front of some trees and a building which i thought had a good composition and would look really effective with the sun shining through, I then took the photo as the sun was descending and the rays of light were shining off in different directions, causing the trees and the building in the foreground to look more like silhouettes due to the sunlight. I feel that this photograph appears quite peaceful, and i think the composition is very nice. I have also desaturated the photo as it looks more effective just being in different tones of black and white.

I really like the composition within this photograph, I think both the foreground and the background come together really well. I really like all of the different colours within the photo, and you can see the movement of the sky going off into the distance in the background of the photograph, which I think looks really effective. I feel that everything going on within the image comes together and makes it look very peaceful, especially with the calmness of water.

I really like the composition within this photograph, I wanted to capture the movement of the water and still be able to show how peaceful the scene is. I have taken this photograph so that the dock is in the foreground and the submerged boat and the horizon are going off into the background of the photograph.  I feel that everything comes together and works really well and I have been able to capture something that looks interesting whilst at the same time is still peaceful.

Here I have a photograph from a live music event, I really like this photograph and think that the colours within it work really well. I also really like the composition and the way that the viewers eyes flow around the subject within the image.

Here I have another photo from a live music event; I really like this image as I feel that the colours within the image are rather striking, and the viewer gains a sense of movement within the photograph through the blurred movement of the subjects hand.

I wanted to show the use of layers within this photo as well as the emotion of anger, which I have defined by using the jagged lines coming out across the image from this persons mouth. I have used an image in the background which shows the mess on the ground outside, I think that the image in the background works really well with the foreground as people sometimes throw things in anger, relating to the emotion I wanted to show.

I again wanted to show the emotion of anger, i have done this by taking a photo of someone screaming, I then placed jagged lines coming out of the persons mouth showing the direction of which the sound will travel. I have also used a layer of bubble wrap as the background for the image as you may pop bubble wrap to let out anger which relates to the emotion that i wanted to show within the image. I think the three layers work really well together and I really like the effect created.

I first produced this photo in the darkroom, where I sprayed the developer onto the paper which is why only certain areas of the photograph have developed. I then scanned it in and using photoshop I adjusted the curve of the image, changing the colours coming through within it and making the image more eye catching. I really like this photograph as I think the way in which I have applied the developer onto the light senstive photographic paper to start with has made the outcome of the image more interesting and effective.

Here I have scanned a negative and using photoshop manipulated it. I think it looks effective due to the different tones that have come through. I have selected certain areas of the image and adjusted the curve using photoshop, I then selected the area of the photo that was unedited and then inverted the colour, making it look lighter. I think this makes the outcome look really effective due to the different tones that have come through.

I used the technique of multiple exposure to produce this photograph. I took the initial photograph and using photoshop I first desaturated the image and then flipped it to create a mirror image which I then placed alongside the original desaturated image. I placed them together to create a more interesting piece, which I feel works really well.

Here I have used the technique of multiple exposure to produce this image, as well as digital manipulation to adjust the colours coming through within the photograph. I also flipped the image and connected the two seperate pieces together to make it look more effective. I really like this image and I think the colours make it look really effective.